Love is an interesting word and has many meanings. The person emitting the word has a reason for using it. Does it originate from a deep fondness or affection or is it love in a romantic sense? The recipient of the written or spoken word love gets to choose what meaning to give it, whether the sender intended it or not.
There seems to be three or four general concepts associated with the word love. First of course, there is love for another being that is other than romantic. A friend, relative or animal usually falls in this category. Second, love can get all wrapped up with a romantic and/or sexual spin. Third there is love of an inanimate object or subject; our love of spirit, a beautiful sunset, a hobby or a great meal. And the four category is love as a means of keeping score in some games.
Where the terms love gets muddled is in friendship vs. romance. We can love a friend and not want to be romantic. And we can be sexual with another without being a friend. Seems they should be the same but they are not. The deepest expression of love for me is that for my Creator and for my child and grandchildren. That is the closest and most pure form of love in my world.
just popping in from the a-z. Love the idea of a positive, blessing blog. I love finding other believers in the blogsphere. Your life sounds so interesting! I’m in central Florida, can imagine all that’s involved in ranching. Good thoughts on love. Boy, do we misconstrue that all the time. Visit if you’d like:
from The Dugout
I liked your blog on mangoes. I’ll tell my daughter so my grandson doesn’t have a problem. Also just learned that mangoes is spelled with an “e”. Smart spellchecker.
just popping in from the a-z. Love the idea of a positive, blessing blog. I love finding other believers in the blogsphere. Your life sounds so interesting! I’m in central Florida, can imagine all that’s involved in ranching. Good thoughts on love. Boy, do we misconstrue that all the time. Visit if you’d like:
from The Dugout
I liked your blog on mangoes. I’ll tell my daughter so my grandson doesn’t have a problem. Also just learned that mangoes is spelled with an “e”. Smart spellchecker.